In our photos we are working on booklets about ourselves and our families, and sorting for statistics in Mathematics.
Last week we had class and individual photos taken. You will be able to purchase these as soon as they arrive.
We decorated the name tags for our desks.
We have been for walks around the school and are learning where all the new places to play are. We did find it was hard to hear the bell when you are at the top of the adventure playground so we have to watch and listen carefully at the end of break times. We went to the Office to see where the notices go and where you go if you are sick or hurt. We met Mrs Duke, Mrs McNeill and Mrs Young.
At Assembly Mr Galloway reminded us of how to behave and taught us the Respect Song for our value of the term.
Dates for this term to remember:
17th Feb: Art Gallery trip - notice sent home last week
20th Feb: Meet the teacher night - see school newsletter for details
4th-13th Mar: swimming - in pool 11.30 - 12noon, help notice soon
24th Mar: Otago Anniversary Day - holiday
26th & 27th Mar: Learning Commitment interviews - see school newsletter for details
17th April: end of the term
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